Towards full inclusion of persons with disabilities – the European Pillar of Social Rights and beyond
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Data i hora de finalització
Charlemagne Building of the European Commission (Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 170 1040)

The European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with disabilities 2021-2030 has been the guiding instrument for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) on the EU level. At present no new measures are decided on for the second phase of the strategy (2025-2030) however. The Belgian presidency aims to promote an ambitious set of actions and initiatives in the next legislature. To achieve this, the Belgian presidency is working towards a political declaration in support of the Strategy, as well as a debate with the members of the European Disability Platform who are mandated to support the Commission in the implementation of the UNCRPD and the European Strategy.

Based on a range of consultations, the following three topics were chosen to focus on during the conference:

  • Access to employment for persons with disabilities
  • An inclusive single market that promotes the free movement of persons with disabilities
  • Reinforcing the implementation of the EU strategy and the UNCRPD on EU and national level – methods, tools and best practices

Throughout the preparations and during the conference the Belgian presidency aims to strongly involve civil society organisations and representative organisations of persons with disabilities and provide a platform for them to put their priorities and suggestions forward. The “nothing about us, without us” principle is taken to heart.

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